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The Ultimate Guide to Talent Outsourcing in Palestine


Palestine is a promising destination for outsourcing hi-tech talents. In this ultimate guide, you will learn why and how to hire Palestinian professionals for your projects. You will also discover the benefits and challenges of outsourcing in Palestine, and the best practices to make it feasible and successful.

Regarding outsourcing, Palestine has young and untapped talent with more significant potential especially in the field of R&D. It is ascertained that the global information technology market is expected to grow at the rate of 7.9% till 2027. This offers the most significant opportunity for the young and educated population of Palestine who have grown an audience when it comes to critical soft skills like Software (SW) development and IT networks management, who have been quick to adopt new technologies despite national disturbances and natural disasters such as Covid-19, with over 80% of households having internet access by 2020 and 86% possessing at least one smartphone. Palestine offers multiple advantages for companies that are looking for outsourcing, such as English proficiency, education, and professional diligence, and ultimately Arabic native speakers who can prove extremely useful in providing technical support for users in the MENA region.

Talent Outsourcing

Project-based contracts provide flexibility and expertise for specific projects without needing a full-time commitment; freelancers bring specialized abilities to the table for short-term tasks; remote work facilitates collaboration across geographical borders.

Three significant factors have contributed to the growth of the outsourcing of talent:

  1. Companies can reduce their operating costs by contracting out tasks rather than employing staff internally.
  2. Outsourcing provides entry to a worldwide talent pool, allowing businesses to acquire specialized capabilities that may not be readily available in-house.
  3. Talent outsourcing allows businesses to respond quickly to shifts in demand without being limited by in-house resources.

Why Choose Palestine for Talent Outsourcing?

About three thousand Palestinians earn IT-related degrees yearly, and over 60% of IT startup founders who obtained investment in their early stages have at least a bachelor’s degree. With this and the benefits mentioned below, Palestinian employees can be a valuable resource for your company. Over the past decade, Palestinian businesses have collaborated effectively on IT projects with some of the world’s most prominent corporations. 

Palestine is also becoming known for its growing number of highly trained experts in various fields. The IT industry is one particularly notable example of this expansion. The region has a thriving community of highly skilled IT professionals, including programmers, network administrators, and security analysts. 

  • Location: Palestine is ideally situated at the intersection of three continents—Europe, Asia, and Africa. Palestine has a unique location that offers benefits of time management for Western countries, competitive wages offering, cheap employees, and educated and skilled professionals.
  • Time: Workers in Palestine can benefit from the “follow the sun” strategy because they are located in a different time zone. Palestinian workers continue to put in time after traditional business hours in the West have ended, allowing for around-the-clock operations.
  • Trained junior talent: In Palestine, it has been reported that 83% of interns are hired full-time and that 40% of those interns are hired directly by the internship providers; their newfound aptitude and intelligence may be accessed by employing remote work and outsourcing.
  • Programming: Palestinian programmers are making waves in the international computer industry. These experts provide novel approaches to complex problems thanks to their extensive training and commitment to staying current with developments in their field.
  • Language: The availability of multilingual workers is a significant perk of outsourcing customer service to Palestine. As a result, many Palestinians can provide excellent customer care to various customers thanks to their command of many languages. 
How to Outsource Employees in Palestine?

A successful outsourcing experience can be facilitated by following these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Determine and Plan for Your Needs

Define what you hope to achieve by using an outsourced service. Figure out what you hope to accomplish by using an outsourcing service. Identify the people and expertise necessary to carry out the project’s objectives. 

  1. The Right Outsourcing Partner to Choose

Gather information about reliable Palestinian outsourcing firms and/or online hubs. Find a company with a proven history of success and glowing recommendations from satisfied customers. 

  1. Communication and Defining Expectations

Lay out your goals and timeline for the project in great detail. Scope, timeline, and major outputs must be clearly defined. Establish reliable means of interaction

  1. Contractual Agreements

Write an entire contract outlining all components of the project. Determining who does what and under what conditions can help prevent future disagreements. Lay down the entire cost of the project and any interim payments that may be required. 

  1. Onboarding and Integration

Give the outsourced staff the software, hardware, and other resources to do their jobs well. Help to provide a quick and easy start for new employees. Educate the staff on the norms and expectations of the firm. 

If you find our sourcing to be time-consuming, there is another option: Employer of record. 

Employer of record

This refers to the process wherein a third party takes over the company’s legal employment matters. This method is considered to be cost-effective, less time-consuming, and hassle-free. The Employer of record is responsible for hiring, rehiring, termination, tax registration, social contribution, etc.

Professionals in more than one country can be hired using an International Employer of Record solution without the necessity for local incorporation. The time and money spent setting up various overseas branches is eliminated, and new hires may be brought on board in a few days. There is less chance of misclassification when working with an EOR because its personnel are real workers. 

In the United States, EOR systems have found widespread adoption in sectors where it is impractical for people to offer their payroll and HR services. Employer of Record solutions can be cost-effective to ensure legal compliance in sectors where employees risk being misclassified as independent contractors.

Opportunities and Emerging Trends

In terms of technological innovation, Palestine is quickly approaching the forefront. The Palestinians have been steadily developing a high-tech sector over the past few years thanks to a strategic commitment from Cisco, despite regional instability and significant unemployment. Palestine’s ICT industry expanded from contributing 0.8% of GDP in 2008 to contributing over 5% of GDP in 2010. As a result of this meteoric rise, ICT is now considered its economic subsector.

Palestine is well-positioned to play a significant role in the ongoing shift in the global landscape of talent outsourcing. The rise of telework and online teams makes it likely that outsourcing will spread to new industries.

  • Expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is in high demand. Data annotation, algorithm development, and model training could all benefit from being outsourced to qualified individuals in Palestine.
  • Outsourcing content development, social media management, and SEO optimization can be a cost-effective approach to increasing your brand’s online visibility. 
  • E-commerce support services, which include website creation, customer service, and order fulfilment, can be outsourced to help businesses expand rapidly.


The Palestinian IT sector has expanded greatly over the past decade and a half. Interestingly, outsourcing drives more than 80% of the Palestinian IT sector. The number of ICT companies in 2018 was 677, up 34 percent from 2008. Over the same period, the number of people employed in the information and communications technology field nearly doubled. About half of these businesses are in the telecommunications sector. At the same time, another 144 are engaged in computer-related programming or consultation. About 3% of the Palestinian GDP comes from the information and communications technology industry, worth about $493 million.

Palestine is home to a thriving startup ecosystem of accelerators, incubators, and other programs designed to train and educate the next generation of IT industry leaders.